Happy clients and happy staff with Annature

​With the SMS option, clients now sign when they receive the documents, they're coming back much faster than ever before.

Headshot of happy customer

Rachel Fenn

Early Bird Accounts

Describe the problem your business faced using other eSignature solutions?

Here at Early Bird Accounts we had issues with clients 'doing it later' when the email came in - ie not at all.  The previous softwares we used were clunky, and one of them wouldn't send landscape documents.  Plus they were expensive, and I don't think either of them had a SMS option.

How has Annature helped provide a solution to those problems?

​With the SMS option, clients now sign when they receive the documents, so they're coming back much faster than ever before, letting us tidy the work up sooner.

What has the overall outcome been since adopting Annature for both clients and your staff?

​Happier clients - they say its much easier to use than the previous software.

Happier staff - work is being finalised faster, and we're not chasing people to sign anymore.